Saturday, March 17

I'm Back! Now Prep for Show Season!

For some luckly people your show season may already be in full swing... but for most were still waiting for snow to melt... rain and wind stop...

So while we're waiting for the new season, why not spend these last blustery weeks spiffing up your current show wear so you can step out ready to kick some ass?

I personally want to change the buttons on my coat... just maybe not with these. Ive been checking out Dressage Extensions and saw these crystal buttons. $60 for a set that would give you 4 crystal buttons down the front and three on each sleeve. If you like bling (please fad, LEAVE!) then you might like these button-spiffer-uppers. I personally think they would look tacky and kind of gawdy but Id have to actually see them on a jacket... they might actually be subtle and nice. But for me, I think im going to stick with the classic brass-or-silver buttons on my dressage jacket!