Sunday, October 8


Most of the entries on this blog have to do with how people-fashion morphs into equestrian and equine-fashion. But, Im sure most people have noticed just the opposite lately, with more and more equestrian fashion translating into everyday fashion. From J-Crew all the way up to Balenciaga, its EVERYWHERE.

"Riding Boots" to me, the idea of wearing tall boots if you dont have to is absolutely a painful one.

Jodphur-Inspired Pants... im one of those people who cant go anywhere still dressed in breeches so to me, this doesnt really do anything. But without the suede knee and full-seat patches, I imagine its more wearable.

Fitted Equestrian Blazers... i actually am a fan of fitted blazers, and think that this is something that definitely wearable.

And, my personal favorite, from the Balenciaga Fall 2006 Runway Show, the infamous helmet. This thing has been all over magazines on celebrities like LiLo, but I have yet to seen it worn in real life...

Ofcourse, you cant forget one of the most unnecessary displays of equestrian fashion, Laura Bennet, contestant...actually finalist on Project Runway, who paraded around in a collared shirt, tan breeches and tall boots in not one but two episodes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know! Laura always wears the same stuff on that show!!!

10/08/2006 11:53 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Definitely. It was always the EXACT same outfits, lol. I wonder if she actually rides or just happens to have breeches and tall boots... b/c every normal person has them laying around...

10/09/2006 3:18 PM  

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